AF5 Financial Planning Process - The Expected Solution Package

The Wizard Learning AF5 Expected Solution is a detailed analysis by our panel of experts of the fact find issued by the CII two weeks prior to the AF5 exam itself, and includes:

  • A comprehensive analysis of the case study client’s situation
  • Identification of all of their financial needs – including those not immediately apparent
  • A list of the questions that we think may appear in the exam, along with suggested responses

The target date for Wizard Learning to issue the AF5 Expected Solution is seven days prior to the exam by way of a PDF link on your record - you will be notified by email as soon as it is ready. We will also add a news update to our latest news page immediately it is available.

There’s more...

In addition to receiving the AF5 Expected Solution itself (contact us if you would like a sample), until the date of your exam you will also be given immediate access to:

  • The Wizard Learning R01 to R05 online multimedia courses
  • Two self-marked mock papers
  • The last five Wizard Learning AF5 Expected Solutions
PLUS we have added something else at no extra cost
  • Access to our Financial Planning Practice online course! The full contents of the course can be viewed here.

Why? Because while we expect most AF5 candidates to have some degree of experience in an adviser role, that may not be the case for everyone. We want our AF5 Expected Solution Package to benefit all candidates, including those who have never worked in an adviser role before. The Wizard Learning Financial Planning Practice online course covers the advisory process and, experienced or not, this is an invaluable addition to the AF5 Expected Solution Package, making it the most comprehensive available in the market place today. And the best value for money.


Then select AF5 The Expected Solution Package

The Wizard Learning AF5 Expected Solution Package offers MORE than any other training provider as all the content listed above provides you with:

  1. Technical content for research
  2. Exam technique with access to past expected solutions
  3. An online advice skills course
  4. Two self-marked mock papers

It’s a no brainer!


"I found the expected solution really helpful in preparation for taking the exam as it was more detailed than a solution I was using from an alternative provider." John W

"The other solution I had paid for was far more general, it had been prepared in advance, and was only partially amended to reflect the case study. The Wizard Learning solution was far more focussed on the case study and hence far more useful." Oliver C

"Thanks for the help - The AF5 expected solution was pretty much spot on and I was notified of a PASS today." David Mannion

“I just passed AF5 to attain chartered status, the expected solution package was a huge help. Wizard Learning has been the biggest reason I have managed to get this far and I would recommend you to anyone.” David Morrans

“Just to let you know I passed my AF5. This was all down to your AF5 Expected Solution Package material as that is all I revised. I could not have got it without you.” Joanne Fisher