Training Designed for Your Success Achieve exam success and stay ahead in your professional development with Wizard Learning’s comprehensive online training platform. Our learning resources support Certificate, Diploma, Regulated Diploma, and Advanced Diploma qualifications, as well as your ongoing CPD requirements. With a broad selection of courses, expert learning support tools, assessments, and in-depth ‘expected solutions’, we provide everything you need to excel in exams and beyond. Our accredited CPD system offers a vast library of topical and relevant material, allowing you to plan, track, and record your CPD with ease. When it comes to professional learning, we don’t just keep up—we lead the way. "Passed the AF3 exam with the help of your training, I appreciated the fast response to my questions. Very helpful and is good value for money." Mohanan Thandasseri, Prosper Financial |
CII QualificationsCertificate (CF) | Diploma (J0) | Regulated Diploma (R0) | Advanced Diploma (AF)
CPD and diploma studies systemThe London Institute of Banking & FinanceCeMAP
Specialist Courses
We offer a comprehensive range of online learning tools and training solutions for finance exams, along with courses designed to enhance key professional skills. Our commitment to quality means we continuously develop well-researched, up-to-date content that meets the needs of our customers—delivered in an innovative, accessible, and user-friendly format.
With our online learning platform, you can access your training anytime, anywhere, providing first-class support that fits even the busiest schedules.
Some exam names may be registered trademarks of the awarding bodies.