AF4 Investment planning - study package
This AF4 advanced diploma online training has been designed so that you can revise key syllabus topics and get practice in order to prepare for the CII's AF4 exam on investment planning. Access is provided to our online courses and assessments for the diploma subject R02 as this is part of the knowledge required for the AF4 exam.
Content summary
- AF4 self marked paper: Online mock exam paper that you type in your answers online and then mark your answers against the model answers
- R02 Investment Principles and Risk: Online course
- R02 Investment Principles and Risk: Assessment package containing 300 multiple-choice questions
- J10 Discretionary Investment Management: Assessment package containing 300 multiple-choice questions, note we don't offer an online course for J10 so the CII textbook will be required
- J10 Discretionary Investment Management: 12 case studies with multiple-choice questions
- AF4 self-marked questions: Two 15 question self-marked assessments where you mark your typed in answers against the model answers
- AF4 case study 1: Case study with 20 related multiple-choice questions including explanation of answers dealing with investment performance, investment management services, investment principles, market and the environment covering performance measures and risk
- AF4 case study 2: Case study with 20 related multiple-choice questions including explanation of answers dealing with investment principles, market and the environment covering further performance measures, collective investments, other investments including direct investment
- AF4 case study 3: Case study with 20 related multiple-choice questions including explanation of answers dealing with various aspects of direct investment into bonds, the advantages and disadvantages of direct investment and collective investment considerations
- Learning to Learn: 5 online learning skills courses.
Additional information
Access is provided for 6 months and includes syllabus updates. If you purchase multiple training modules a discount is available along with longer access periods. Note that we don't offer a text based online course for J10, students would normally purchase the CII's textbook and use our assessment package to assist with their exam revision.

AF4 Investment planning: study requirements and guidance
We have created a guidance note on on the AF4 study requirements that you can view here. |