Articles and guides (PDF format)
In order to help advisers and finance professionals keep up to date or learn about exam, CPD and technical information we provide a number of useful guides. Also see our training directory for more information.
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About Wizard Learning
A two page document that provides an overview of our main products and services. For more details you can also view our audiovisual presentation.
Chartered Financial Planner: Heading for the Top?
We consider what it takes to achieve Chartered status with the Personal Finance Society
Exam related |
CPD guide
Helps answer questions such as "What CPD do I need to do?" and "What counts as legitimate CPD?" |
Exam tips : Preparing for and passing exams
The Wizard Learning team of trainers have compiled various tips and suggestions to help you pass exams
Exam related |
How to become an IFA
What an IFA does, the requirements to be a competent IFA and some of the approaches that can be adopted in order to meet competent status |
Learning systems : Is your learning system up to the job
Article for those looking for a learning management system or reviewing their current system. |
Tax tables 2011/2012
Summary of the main tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2011/2012 |
Wizard Learning Training Directory |