The financial news element of our CPD SYSTEM provides advisers with concise and unbiased reporting of financial services related news and regulatory developments. We research and analyse core information from a variety of sources including HMRC, FSA, ONS, government websites and press reports over the month. We then prepare a succinct online summary of the previous months most relevant finance related news and deliver this to you at the end of the month, together with a 10 question assessment to confirm your understanding. This counts as 1.5 hours of structured CPD each month. Our aim is not only to provide you with the most up to date and relevant industry news, but to deliver and present this information to you in a format that helps you to assess its importance and relevance to you and your clients. So, with this in mind, each of our monthly news summaries are conveniently separated into 8 subject headings: compliance, economy, mortgages, pensions, protection, savings & investments and taxation & trusts and ‘miscellaneous’. You no longer have to read numerous lengthy reports, news articles and press releases to find the key facts that you need to know. We know from the extensive research that we carry out to prepare our monthly summaries how tedious and time-consuming this can be and, as they say, time is money. So we do all of that for you; sifting out the spin, speculation and biased opinions, giving you just the pertinent and relevant facts that you can’t afford to miss. Our summaries are succinct, relevant and interesting and will save you a considerable amount of time each month. Furthermore, the time you spend reading them, along with assessment results are included on your CPD certificate. There’s more - 16 online courses All of this information is at your fingertips, easily accessible on our online system, where you can also view recent news as well as the news summaries and assessments covering the previous six months. Wizard Financial Awareness - The Wizard Financial Awareness information website is designed to enhance awareness of money and financial issues among the general public, giving them a greater understanding of the products they may already have, or that may be recommended to them by a financial adviser, and to help them to identify financial needs that they may not previously have been aware of. Users of the site can contact any of the financial advisers featured on the site to discuss the issues and topics featured, or to seek advice regarding their own personal circumstances. CPD must be more than just ticking the CPD boxes Our online course and use of assessments to confirm knowledge provides a quantifiable benchmark for technical competencies that can drive each adviser’s training needs and plans, and that will satisfy the requirements of the regulators under the new regime. More information and discounts Provider of award winning online training and CPD for financial advisers and financial services professionals We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development. |