How do I build the gap analysis assessments into my study and revision? We suggest that you build taking the assessments into your study plan and take them at regular intervals following further study. You should then see a gradual improvement in your results. How well you do on these assessments (before the questions start to repeat) will give you a feel for how you might fare in the exam. Taking the CII specimen paper will give you an idea as well. Once you have viewed the 300 questions in our bank the system selects the questions in random order. Clearly, once the questions start to repeat you will not get the same benefit having already viewed the questions. How do the gap analysis packages work and assist me with my studies? To help you test your existing level of knowledge in a particular subject overall or subject area and identify areas where further study may be required, the Wizard Learning Gap Analysis and Assessment Tools are the ideal solution. Each Gap Analysis and Assessment Tool contains 300 questions drawn from across the whole Online Course study materials and includes the correct weightings and mix of question styles (standard and multiple responses) per learning outcome that you will receive in the actual exam. Our system records the question numbers you have viewed so they are not repeated until you have worked your way through the full question bank. An ongoing tracking of the questions delivered ensures that a different mix of questions is included in each assessment and that the questions do not repeat quickly. Questions are written and reviewed by subject knowledge experts with many years of experience in training and exam setting. These features not only allow you to test your knowledge widely but also to get familiar with the types and styles of questions you are likely to be asked in the actual exam. Less surprises on the day should mean greater confidence and the ability to better focus on what you are being asked and applying your knowledge to the best of your ability. Using any of the Wizard Learning Gap Analysis and Assessment Tools gives you a number of options. You can choose from these assessment types:
For R01 and R02 you also have the option to take a full mock exam of 100 questions. Using the revision style allows you to view the answer after every question, whereas with the exam style you complete all the questions in the same manner as you would do in the actual exam and receive the answers when the assessment is completed. While taking each assessment you can skip and tag questions to revisit and review before completion. Additionally, if you have to stop any assessment before reaching the end, a built-in 'recovery' feature within the system will automatically retain your score and record the last question that was in view. When you then restart the same assessment, you will automatically begin the assessment at the question following the last question that was last in view. The system moves you to the following question to avoid the situation where a question could be viewed and then a person exits the assessment to research the answer. As our system is used for mock exams in some firms as well as general revision this feature makes it suitable for taking a mock exam. A clock within the assessment shows the expected and elapsed time for each assessment, although you can take as long as you need. Regardless of the style of assessment you choose, both include all the following features:
Within the post assessment features of a completed assessment, there are a number of aspects worth highlighting. Firstly, a breakdown is given of the results against each learning outcome. This clearly shows the areas where you performed well and those in where your knowledge was not as strong. In addition, by showing the actual questions which you answered incorrectly you will be able to direct your time and studies to the learning outcomes or particular areas where further study is required. Also, in the revision style format, a reference is provided after every question, detailing the chapter/learning outcome location in our Online Multimedia Course (which can be purchased separately) where the question is covered. This valuable aid to your exam studies can be used over and over again during your access period, but it should be remembered that we cannot ever guarantee that we will be able to provide questions to cover everything that may be asked within an actual exam. However, used in conjunction with our other learning materials you can ensure that you are in possession of up to date information about each subject area. You can view the information pages for all the exams that we offer the Gap Analysis & Assessment Tool in our Training Directory. How do the free Learning to Learn courses improve my learning skills? To help you plan and carry out an effective study programme, make the most of your individual attributes and preferences, enjoy the learning process and gain exam passes, Wizard Learning has developed 5 online courses – Learning to Learn – which are provided FREE with every purchase. They are included automatically with the purchase of any training module. The 5 courses cover: Time Management, Exam Skills, Reading Skills, Memory and Mental Agility and Study Skills. Over the range of courses and through a variety of tasks you will be helped to:
These short courses containing end of course assessments, are invaluable to anyone about to undertake a period of study. They will assist you in gaining a greater understanding of your individual attributes, preferences and habits and illustrate how these can be used and developed to make you more effective, not just in studying but in all areas of your life. Access to these courses is given to you for 6 months allowing you time not only to use these before your studies begin but also to revisit them during your studies to continue assessing, developing and improving your study skills. Don’t overlook this valuable opportunity to start off on the right track and stay on it throughout leading you closer to achieving the success you are aiming for. Good luck with your studies. Do you offer a package that covers all the regulated diploma material? If you have not already done so, we would like to invite you to now take a FREE 7 day trial of our accredited CPD system. This meets the requirements of the FCA for qualified advisers in relation to completing structured CPD. It is also ideal for trainee advisers working their way through the regulated Diploma exams. The CPD system is available for a low monthly cost enabling you to have access to:
The benefits of our CPD system include:
To request your FREE 7 day trial, login to the website, follow the link to My Account and then click on the Apply button for the CPD System Trial. We hope that you will be able to fully explore the system during this time and see that the extensive range of materials and the choices available for how they are used provide value for money. If you have already requested your free trial, we hope you will want to continue having access to the extensive range of materials provided and will go ahead and become a regular subscriber. Just follow the link from the homepage to Buy Accounts and we will ensure that your access to the system continues for as long as your subscription continues. If you are a regulated diploma student For those studying for any of the R01 to R05 exams:
R06 exam:
We look forward to hearing from you to set up either your system trial access or in making a purchase. How do I build an effective study plan? What suggestions do you have on how best to use the assessments? What training material is available? |