In this site news update we cover:
1. Chartered training offer
2. R06 expected solution package for January 2015 exam
3. Wizard Financial Awareness new presentations
1. Chartered training offer
If you are a previous purchaser and would like to subscribe to our accredited CPD system and also have access to all our AF1 to AF5 training modules then we can provide access by way of a discounted monthly payment. This offer will be available for a short period only, for more details please contact us quoting your username.
It is a regulatory requirement for financial advisers to retain their diploma knowledge and our accredited CPD system allows you to do this by identifying diploma knowledge gaps AND providing full diploma level online courses to fill these gaps.
Even if you are not planning on taking further exams right away then maintaining good diploma knowledge is vital to satisfy the regulatory requirements. In addition keeping exam level diploma knowledge makes studying for Chartered so much easier.
The advanced diploma exams are based on the knowledge from the diploma exams so in theory, there should be nothing new in the exam if you have passed the relevant diploma exams and maintained that knowledge through effective CPD. There is therefore no additional study text for the advanced diploma exams, just additional support by way of case studies and practice questions. Our accredited CPD system is designed to enable you to maintain diploma knowledge at a low monthly fee.
2. R06 expected solution package for January 2015 exam
Our ability to provide detailed analysis in our R06 expected solution is based on the fact that the CII use a similar assessment method for each exam. This allows our panel of experts to identify, based on the information supplied by the CII before the exam, the questions you could most likely expect to face in the exam itself.
Our experts are qualified to at least Chartered status and have considerable experience of preparing candidates for these exams.
Our expected solution packages:
- Help you brush up on your technical knowledge
- Assist you with understanding the exam techniques required
- Identify the likely questions that will be asked
- Help you answer the likely questions in the format the CII will be looking for.
We guarantee you will be well prepared
Our model answers to our anticipated questions, will allow you to answer the questions we have identified in the required way to score well, but in order to pass you must also understand all of the syllabus elements and requirements so that you can tackle any questions we have not identified, and this is where our package also helps you.
If you use all of the tools provided in our expected solution packages, we can’t guarantee you that you will pass, but we can guarantee you will be well prepared.
Articles and presentations
R06 Financial planning practice - exam requirements
R06 exam contents and requirements including the expected solution package (audiovisual)
Achieving diploma status (audiovisual)
See the cost and contents page for more details.
3. Wizard Financial Awareness new presentations
We have added the following 5 new presentations to our Wizard Financial Awareness consumer information website. They can be viewed from the investment link at the top left hand menu of the website. All advisers that subscribe to our accredited CPD system can create a profile to be listed as a featured adviser.
The principles of investment planning
The presentation covers:
- Asset allocation
- Portfolio optimisation
- Portfolio construction
- Portfolio management
- Fund selection
- Tax wrappers
- Product providers
- Other factors
Introduction to cash investments
The presentation covers:
- Introduction to cash and fixed interest securities
- Cash investments
- Risks involved in cash investments
- Taxation of cash investments
- Fixed interest securities
- Risks of fixed interest securities
- Taxation of fixed interest securities
Introduction to equities
The presentation covers:
- Risk
- Equities
- Dividends and capital growth
- Gains and losses
- Tax
- Real returns
Introduction to indirect investment products
The presentation covers:
- Available products
- Unit Trusts
- Offshore funds
- Investment Trusts
- Taxation
- Comparisons, advantages and disadvantages
Introduction to analysing investment performance
The presentation covers:
- Past performance
- Performance measurement
- Performance of fund managers
- Performance of fund managers
- Selection of a fund manager
- Portfolio reviews