To ensure that all our users are fully prepared for the CII’s new examination syllabus, which started in September 2014, we carried out extensive updates across all of our online materials. The most obvious changes made throughout the materials are the references to the tax year (2014/15), the new tax rates and allowances and the re-working of all associated example calculations and questions.
However, due to some changes in taxation and other laws, there are certain changes which create new impacts on a number of areas important to the provision of advice.
These main changes to the sections for the R01 to R05 online courses are listed below and these courses are included in our accredited CPD system. All changes have also been reflected in the chapter assessments and the gap analysis assessments.
Although throughout the online courses there are many other minor amendments, as a part of your ongoing CPD, it is recommended that you make yourself fully familiar with these major changes to ensure that your knowledge and understanding is fully up-to-date. By using the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system you will have access not only to all these updated courses but also all the learning materials for all of these diploma courses. These can be used at any time to refresh your knowledge of specific areas, and by carrying out gap analysis assessments over the year from each of the subjects as a part of your overall CPD plan. You can also use the assessment results to identify areas of weakness against the learning outcomes and plan future CPD activities.
This article ‘R’ you doing the right CPD? covers how to meet the exacting standards for Statement of Professional Standing (SPS) CPD.
R01 Financial services, regulation and ethics: Online Multimedia Course
Chapter |
Section |
1 |
The role and structure of the UK and international markets
The role of Government |
2 |
Mortgages and loans
Protection policies
Retirement planning – pensions
Savings and investment products – Section 1
Savings and investment products – Section 2
State Benefits |
3 |
Legal identity
Law of contract and capacity
Property ownership
Law of succession |
4 |
Roles of the authorities
Role of the EU
Other regulators
Additional oversight |
5.1 |
New regulatory structure
The FCA’s objectives
The FCA’s scope and powers
FCA supervision and the risk based approach |
5.2 |
Block 2 Prudential Standards (PRU): The prudential requirements for firms
Block 3 Business standards: General requirements of firms
Other FCA Handbook material
Other regulatory and legislative material |
6 |
Approved persons and controlled functions
Money Laundering |
7 |
Regulated advice standards: Section 1
Client relationships and adviser responsibilities: Section 1
Client relationships and adviser responsibilities: Section 2 |
9 |
Main regulatory obligations for individuals |
10 |
Ethics in financial services
Ethics into practice
Ongoing engagement with stakeholders |
R02 Investment principles and risk: Online Course
Chapter |
Section |
1 |
Cash – Risk factors
Cash – Types of account
Cash – NS&I products
Cash – Money market investments
Gilts |
2 |
Commercial property |
5 |
Real returns versus nominal returns |
6 |
Credit risk |
7.1 |
Unit Trusts & OEICs general characteristics – Part 1
Unit Trusts & OEICs general characteristics – Part 3
Unit Trusts – Part 4
Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs)
Unit Trust and OEIC management services
Offshore funds |
7.2 |
Life assurance investment bonds – Part 3
Savings plans
EISs, VCTs and SEISs
Broker Funds and DIFs
New ISAs (NISAs)
NISAs – CAT standard and stakeholder
NISA transfers
Child Trust Funds |
9 |
Selection of tax wrappers
Wraps |
R03 Personal taxation: Online Multimedia Course
Chapter |
Section |
1 |
How Pay As You Earn (PAYE) works
Tax avoidance and tax evasion |
2 |
Taxation of employee benefits |
3 |
Class 3 Voluntary contributions |
4 |
Reliefs |
7 |
Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax |
8 |
VAT Special Schemes |
9 |
National Savings & Investments |
10 |
Registered Pension Schemes
NISAs and Child Trust Funds
Offshore Life Assurance policies |
R04 Pensions and retirement planning: Online Multimedia Course
Chapter |
Section |
1 |
Role of Government and policy direction
Proposed reforms |
2 |
Annual allowance
Lifetime allowance
Options at retirement
Death benefits after crystallisation
Primary protection
Pension commencement lump sums
Qualified recognised overseas pension schemes |
3 |
Pension protection fund |
4 |
Benefits – leaving service
Benefits – Ill health and death
Overseas transfers from the UK
Statutory schemes |
5 |
Main attributes and benefits
Benefits on leaving
Transfer issues
Auto enrolment and NEST |
6 |
Lifetime annuity
Death benefits
Drawdown pension
Flexible drawdown
Drawdown – death and risk aspects |
7 |
State pension age
National Insurance contributions
Pension credit |
8 |
Main asset classes |
R05 Financial protection: Online Multimedia Course
Chapter |
Section |
3 |
Changes to State Benefits
Summary of points to consider |
4 |
Non-Disclosure |
6 |
Policy types
Product features
Underwriting |
8 |
Cost of care
Equity Release
Future Developments |
10 |
Product selection and suitability |
Free trial - Try the accredited CPD system before you purchase
We recommend that you try the accredited CPD system by requesting a free trial and you will have a week to try it to see if it meets your requirements. If you have an existing record then login and click on the "My Account" link on the left hand menu. If you have not previously registered then register here, login and then click on the "My Account" link.
Which CPD camp are you in? (audiovisual presentation)