This update covers:
1. Expected solution packages for R06 and AF5 - start preparing now
2. Accredited CPD system - maintain your diploma knowledge
3. Study presentation - Less is Best
4. Panacea’s Top Industry Tweeters of 2017
1. Expected solution packages for R06 and AF5 - start preparing now
Purchase your expected solution package now and get access to many features to start preparing for the exam in advance of our expected solution being issued 7 days before the exam date. We will be covering all exam dates in 2018 including the next R06 exam in January.
The Expected Solution Packages offers MORE than any other training provider:
- Technical content for research
- Exam technique with access to past expected solutions and mock exams
- An online advice skills course
See our expected solution packages page here for more details.
2. Accredited CPD system - maintain your diploma knowledge
The focus of the FCA is on advisers taking their CPD more seriously, and not just treating the requirement to keep their knowledge up to date as a tick-box exercise. We have designed our accredited CPD system to help meet these requirements by ensuring they maintain their core diploma knowledge.
The main areas covered by major changes in the last update for Personal taxation, Pensions & Retirement Planning and Financial protection are detailed below. These are just 3 of the courses included in our accredited CPD system.
R03 Personal taxation: Online Multimedia Course
- Tax evasion
- Deductions from income
- Residence nil rate band
- Calculating corporation tax liability
- Registered pension schemes
R04 Pensions and retirement planning: Online Multimedia Course
- Qualifying recognised overseas pension schemes and RNUKS
- Bankruptcy law
- State Pension Age
- National Insurance Contributions
- State death benefits
R05 Financial protection: Online Multimedia Course
- Benefits available on death
- State pension credit
- Bonds
- Offshore and onshore life funds
- Immediate needs and pre-funded plans
Free trial - Try the CPD system before you purchase
We recommend that you try the accredited CPD system by requesting a free trial and you will have a week to try it to see if it meets your requirements. If you have an existing record then login and click on the "My Account" link on the left hand menu. If you have not previously registered then register here, login and then click on the "My Account" link.
3. Study presentation - Less is Best
Recent presentations have looked at techniques that can make your studying more effective. This month we return to highlighting another common mistake, specifically in the preparation of revision/study notes. A natural tendency is to write in lengthy sentences for fear of missing out important details. However, this works against the natural working processes of the brain and encourages it to be lazy while also creating overload and triggering a filtering process.
Our ‘Less is Best’ presentation gives tips and guidance for not only writing less, but also how the positioning of ‘keywords’ in a certain way on a page and how they are written will help in triggering memories in the brain, allowing it to fill in the gaps when specific information needs to be recalled.
Watch the Less is Best presentation:

4. Panacea’s Top Industry Tweeters of 2017
The nominations are in and the shortlists have been made, who will be Panacea’s Top Industry Tweeters of 2017?
Panacea Adviser are running their Top Tweeter award for the fourth consecutive year and are now asking you to vote on the shortlist of finalists. You don’t have to vote in every category and they don’t require any personal information - it’s completely anonymous!
This year has been Panaceas's biggest yet with almost 200 nominations so make your vote count by voting
here. Voting closes 5pm on Friday 15 December 2017.

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