This update covers:
1. Study presentation - Staying positive during your exam studies
2. R06 January 2018 Expected Solution
3. Why advisers use the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system
4. New testimonials
1. Study presentation - Staying positive during your exam studies
This presentation looks at staying positive throughout your studies. Despite all your good intentions at the start, it is easy to get overcome with negative thoughts that then affect your motivation to continue.
We illustrate the link between the mind and actions and give you ideas for ways to turn negative thoughts into motivational positives that continue leading you towards your ultimate goal.
2. R06 January 2018 Expected Solution
The R06 Expected Solution is now available for immediate download. There are 30 pages of expert analysis for case study 1 and 37 pages for case study 2, as well as 14 pages of generic information on questions that may be asked.
The Expected Solution package includes a detailed analysis by our panel of experts of the 2 case studies that are issued by the CII 2 weeks prior to the exam. We provide you with a list of the questions that we feel could be asked together with a detailed solution.
To help with your preparation the following are also included:
- Our R01 to R05 online multimedia courses
- Our Expected Solution for the previous 7 R06 exams
- An online advice skills course
- Two online mock exams designed by our training team to help you assess your technical knowledge and get experience in the technique needed to pass the exam.
Select R06 The Expected Solution Package
3. Why advisers use the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system
We are often asked what are the main factors that make our accredited CPD system different from other CPD providers and have identified the main points below. We have also created a library of CPD information that you can view here.
Why many advisers use the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system?
Maintaining diploma knowledge
We provide access to the full core diploma knowledge areas and exam style assessments. We take the view that the full diploma courses are essential to maintain diploma knowledge and the FCA do expect that level of knowledge to be maintained.
Easy navigation
Most other providers online offering is mainly a PDF or flash file that is very hard to navigate around. Our online system makes it easy to jump around the text and quickly find topics.
It is the CPD system designed for those that are serious about CPD
Our CPD system subscribers have stuck with us for many years and are serious about maintaining a detailed level of knowledge. You can view some testimonials here.
5 key reasons for using our accredited CPD system
- It provides robust proof of knowledge and CPD recorded by completing assessments based on courses, regular updates that can lead to further exploration of the subject areas
- It is all in there, including level four diploma training in all core areas - no need to go out to CPD events if you don’t want to!
- It handles competency assessments, training needs analysis, training schemes as well as CPD recording
- It works on mobile phones and portable devices so CPD can be done 'on the go’
- It saves a lot of time - if you know the answer because you have completed effective CPD
Free trial - Try the system before you purchase
We recommend that you try the CPD system by requesting a free trial and you will have a week to try it to see if it meets your requirements. If you have an existing record then login and click on the "My Account" link on the left hand menu. If you have not previously registered then register here, login and then click on the "My Account" link and select "Apply" beside the CPD System Trial.
4. New testimonials
A few of the recent customer comments are below, you can also view additional comments here and then use the tabs for diploma, advanced diploma, certificate and CPD system to filter the comments.
"It's not an overstatement to say that without the Wizard Learning R06 expected solution I would not have passed the exam. It gave me vital focus before of the exam." Iain Summers
“I have used Wizard Learning for all of the R0 modules and passed each first time. The training really helps bring the topics to life and the information soak in.” Amy Brown
“I have now used Wizard Learning for 3 exams and feel that I would not have passed any of them without Wizard Learning. The questions were very similar to the exam questions. I would have had a completed shock if I had not used Wizard Learning.” Alison Pearson
"Just a short note to thank you and your team at Wizard amazing input into the AF5 Expected Solution. As this exam is based on everything you've always learned, it's impossible to think where to start. So, the input from your appointed specialists was comprehensive and valuable to point that I am pleased to report a 'pass'." Trevor Whiting
“I just wanted to feed back that I passed the CF6 exam last week. The exam question content of your site was bang on.” Mark B, Chelmsford, Essex
"I'm only 23 and have used Wizard Learning through from RO1 through to AF5, I am now near becoming a Fellow having completed 15 CII exams mainly using Wizard Learning. Although I know the basics, due to my age my depth of knowledge isn't great and has definitely been improved by your help. I tried another training provider and thought yours gave a better learning experience and was more accurate compared to the actual exam." James Handshaw

Wizard Learning Ltd