This update covers:
1. Popular study presentations
2. Common question asked about protection CPD
3. Study packages for the AF1 to AF4 exams
1. Popular study presentations
These are 3 of our most popular presentation in our series of Learning to Learn presentations:
2. Common question asked about protection CPD
Does Wizard Learning have any plans for adding something to their excellent service to help us comply with the new CPD requirement for protection business?
We have the 2 modules below which are also included in our Accredited CPD System. The CPD system contains over 300 hours CPD time and can also provide all your annual CPD requirements.
R05 Financial protection: Gap Analysis & Assessment Tool
R05 Financial protection: Online Multimedia Course
In the online course there are a total of 50 hours estimated CPD time allocated the first time you take all the end of chapter assessments. You can also download your CPD record to Excel and change the time to reflect your actual time. The Gap assessments have 300 questions so 6 hours CPD is available for completing all the questions. Clearly with the full syllabus in the online course along with the questions there is more than enough material to satisfy your protection CPD requirements.
3. Study packages for the AF1 to AF4 exams
Our study packages for the AF advanced diploma exams have been designed so that you can revise key syllabus topics and get practice in order to prepare for the exams. Access is also provided to the appropriate diploma modules so that you can refresh your technical knowledge in order to apply it in the exams.
See our training directory for further information.
We have also created these information pages for those sitting or planning to take their AF advanced diploma exams.
AF2 Business Financial Planning: study requirements and guidance
AF3 Pension planning: study requirements and guidance
AF4 Investment planning: study requirements and guidance
AF5 Financial planning process: exam requirements

Wizard Learning Ltd