This update covers:
1. R06 Expected Solution now available for the July exam
2. Complaints procedures online course
3. Five key reasons for using our accredited CPD system
4. The most common question we are asked
5. New testimonials
6. Is it all still Pete Tong at the FOS?
1. R06 Expected Solution now available for the July exam
The Expected Solution is now available for immediate download. There are 26 pages of expert analysis for case study 1 and 24 pages for case study 2, as well as 12 pages of generic information on questions that may be asked.
The Expected Solution package includes a detailed analysis by our panel of experts of the 2 case studies that are issued by the CII 2 weeks prior to the exam. We provide you with a list of the questions that we feel could be asked together with a detailed solution.
Select R06 The Expected Solution Package
We also confirm that we will be preparing expected solutions for the October R06 and AF5 exams. You can advance purchase access now and get access immediately to the other preparation elements, see these links for further information:
R06 The Expected Solution Package
AF5 The Expected Solution Package
2. Complaints procedures online course
Why must all staff know about complaints procedures?
One of the objectives of the financial services regulator is to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and to give them confidence in the financial system. Failing to ensure that all staff within the sector is aware of the complaints handling rules and procedures could lead to complaints not being handled properly to the detriment of a consumer.
Our complaints procedures online course is one of several complaince related courses in our accredited CPD system and will take around 1.5 hours to complete. A CPD certificate is provided on completion.
The benefits of this course for you and your business
Any person working in the financial services sector who has contact with customers or clients may potentially be in the firing line when it comes to complaints. The fewer complaints received the less familiar you will be with the regulatory procedures and how to deal with them.
Although your firm may never have had a complaint, in today’s culture of blame and claim there is no end to the ways a complaint might materialise whether justified or not.
It is essential reputationally and financially for all personnel in financial services to have a good working knowledge of the complaints regime.
Misinformation can escalate complaints and make them time consuming and perhaps costly out of all proportion.
This is what you will find out in this online course:
- The regulatory rules for dealing with complaints
- When must they be reported to the Financial Conduct Authority
- How must they be acknowledged
- What steps can be taken to avoid formal reporting
- The test of what constitutes an eligible complaint
- Procedures and record keeping rules for complaints
- Who is eligible to take their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service?
- Regulatory reporting requirements for complaints
3. Five key reasons for using our accredited CPD system
The key reasons for using our accredited CPD system:
- It provides robust proof of knowledge and CPD recorded by completing assessments based on courses, regular updates that can lead to further exploration of the subject areas
- It is all in there, including level four diploma training in all core areas - no need to go out to CPD events if you don’t want to!
- It handles competency assessments, training needs analysis, training schemes as well as CPD recording
- It works on mobile phones and portable devices so CPD can be done 'on the go’
- It saves a lot of time - if you know the answer because you have completed effective CPD
4. The most common question we are asked
We thought that it may be of interest to share the most common question that we are asked on a regular basis, this is:
"Hi, I am looking for additional help for the R01 Exam and was wondering if there is any material that you have that could assist me with this? I have taken the exam twice and failed and just need that extra help. Any help would be most appreciated."
Our reply to this specific question was:
"We have these two modules that you might find useful:
R01 Financial services, regulation and ethics: Gap Analysis & Assessment Tool
R01 Financial services, regulation and ethics: Online Multimedia Course
Take a look at our testimonial page here to see how others have found our material.
You may also find this help page of use FAQs on studying."
5. New testimonials
New customer comments:
“Thanks to Wizard Learning I have passed R01 & R05, I have already purchased the R04 online course. Wizard Learning is so much easier to read than the CII books and I would recommend it to anyone completing the Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning.” Andrew Steadman
"I've just received confirmation that I have passed R06 and completed my Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning, having failed it once before I honestly don't think I could have got through it without Wizard Learning online support - thanks very much." Daniel Walker
You can also view additional comments here and then use the tabs for diploma, advanced diploma, certificate and CPD system to filter the comments.
6. Is it all still Pete Tong at the FOS?
Since 2011 Panacea Adviser has conducted research via a simple survey to gauge what advisers think about service levels and standards delivered by the FOS, in particular looking at their processes and the fairness of the system.
Two years have passed since the last one, and we want to know, will 2018 see any improvement?
Could you please complete the anonymous, 5-minute survey and share the link with your colleagues?
Your input is vital and greatly appreciated.

Wizard Learning Ltd