In this update we include information on our most popular training modules including our CPD SYSTEM with the opportunity for advisers to be featured on our new consumer information website.
Wizard Financial Awareness - Information Tutorials & Find Trusted Advisers
We are in the process of completing a soft launch of our consumer information website Wizard Financial Awareness which uses tutorial style presentations to educate the public on financial matters and help them find trusted advisers. The advisers that subscribe to our CPD SYSTEM at present, and new members, are being invited to be featured advisers during the whole of 2013 at no additional cost. See for details of the website.
Our most popular modules
Provided FREE when you purchase any training module. Included are 5 online courses covering learning skills on: time management, exams, study, reading & memory.

Wizard Learning Ltd
Provider of award winning online training and CPD for financial advisers and financial services professionals
We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development.