This news update covers:
1. Expected solutions for R06 and AF5
2. Study packages for the AF1 to AF4 exams
3. New video: Get organised for success.
4. Auto-enrolment review and workplace pension savers
1. Expected solutions for R06 and AF5
Our Expected Solution Packages offer MORE than any other training provider:
- Technical content for research
- Exam technique with access to past expected solutions and mock exams
- An online advice skills course
It’s a no brainer!
See our R06 and AF5 solutions page here for further details.
2. Study packages for the AF1 to AF4 exams
Our study packages for the AF advanced diploma exams have been designed so that you can revise key syllabus topics and get practice in order to prepare for the exams. Access is also provided to the appropriate diploma modules so that you can refresh your technical knowledge in order to apply it in the exams.
See our training directory for further information.
3. New video: Get organised for success
Previously we included links to ‘The Common Mistakes of Studying’ and the "Scheduling made easy” audiovisual presentations which we hope has provided you with advice on strategies for your studying journey.
Now we move on to ‘Get organised for success’. Like every other activity, studying needs to have a clear and detailed plan of tasks and activities and a logical order of completion if it is to reach the desired outcome. This short presentation looks at planning including: timing, testing and recording progress. Further information on these aspects and time management can be found in our Learning to Learn study skills package offered free with every purchase.
Watch the Get organised for success audiovisual presentation:

4. Auto-enrolment review and workplace pension savers
As the Government announces its review of auto-enrolment in 2017, to assess the existing coverage and encourage even more individuals to save, figures from the DWP show that since 2012 the number of people saving into a workplace pension has increased by almost 4.5 million. The latest available figures from 2015, show that nearly 7 million people, from 300,000 employers, have saved £82 billion, of which almost 60% was contributed by employers. Of those eligible employees, 79% have saved into a workplace pension in at least three of the last four years, showing that take up has been fairly well maintained. It is also reported that the average amount of contribution for workers of medium and large firms has increased to 8% of employee earnings, which is four times higher than the current minimum rate.
By 2018, it is expected that more than 10 million people will be paying into a workplace pension, generating around £17 billion a year more in workplace pension saving by 2019/20.
The planned review will examine the current automatic-enrolment thresholds, in particular the earnings trigger, qualifying earning bands and the age criteria and further explore how the growing numbers of self-employed can be helped to save for their retirement.
The DWP aims to publish its report with the new recommendations towards the end of 2017.
Wizard Learning offer a workplace pension reform online course which is also part of our accredited CPD system.

Wizard Learning Ltd
Provider of accredited online training and CPD system for financial advisers and financial services professionals.