R06 Expected Solution available now for the 21 January 2013 exam
The Expected Solution is now available for immediate download for the 21 January 2013 exam. There are 26 pages of expert analysis for case study 1 and 28 pages for case study 2, as well as 14 pages of generic information on questions that may be asked.
The Expected Solution package includes a detailed analysis by our panel of experts of the 2 case studies that are issued by the CII 2 weeks prior to the exam. We provide you with a list of the questions that we feel could be asked together with a detailed solution.
Select R06 The Expected Solution Package
Learning to Learn
Our "Learning to Learn" package is provided FREE when you purchase ANY training module and contains all 5 of these learning skills courses:
How to Improve Your Time Management for Learning Skills
Online training course that will teach you how to improve your time management for learning skills. It includes 9 chapters of text and incorporates test your knowledge questions as you work your way through each section in the course.
How to Improve Your Exam Skills
Online training course that will teach you how to improve your exam skills and includes 9 chapters of text. This course also incorporates audio allowing you to listen online or download to your MP3 player or iPod and animated audiovisual presentations of the full course.
How to Improve Your Reading Skills
Online training course that will teach you how to improve your reading skills and includes 9 chapters of text.
How to Improve Your Memory and Mental Agility Skills
Online training course that will teach you how to improve your memory and mental agility skills and includes 9 chapters of text.
How to Improve Your Study Skills
Online training course that will teach you how to improve your study skills and includes 9 chapters of text.
This link provides a more detailed summary of all the contents 
All training modules purchased from our training directory, that can be viewed here, will automatically include the Learning to Learn package containing the 5 online skills courses.

Wizard Learning Ltd
Provider of award winning online training and CPD for financial advisers and financial services professionals
We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development.