Posted Jun 25, 2017
This update covers: 1. R06 Expected Solution now available for the July exam 1. R06 Expected Solution now available for the July exam The Expected Solution package includes a detailed analysis by our panel of experts of the 2 case studies that are issued by the CII 2 weeks prior to the exam. We provide you with a list of the questions that we feel could be asked together with a detailed solution.
We also confirm that we will be preparing expected solutions for the October R06 and AF5 exams. You can advance purchase access now and get access immediately to the other preparation elements, see these links for further information: R06 The Expected Solution Package AF5 The Expected Solution Package 2. Make studying more effective presentation In our ‘Make studying more effective’ presentation we provide some advice and guidance on brightening up your revision notes, adapting lists, using interruptions in the right way and taking the time factor into account to ensure that you remain interested in what you are studying. We are all different and will respond to different techniques in different ways and by having a tool box of techniques available you are giving yourself the best chance of exam success. Watch the Make studying more effective presentation: Training Directory Wizard Learning Ltd Provider of accredited online training and CPD system for financial advisers and financial services professionals. We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development. |