This update covers:
1. When is it best to study video
2. Maintaining your investment principles and risk knowledge through CPD
3. Merry Christmas
1. When is it best to study video
This video includes sections on time management, prioritising, the body clock, what kind of person are you and why timing is important. If you would like more information about time management you can also use our Learning to Learn online course ‘How to Improve Your Time Management for Learning Skills” which is included free with every purchase.

2. Maintaining your investment principles and risk knowledge through CPD
To ensure that all our users are fully prepared for the CII’s new examination syllabus, which started in September 2016, we carried out extensive updates across all of our online materials. The most obvious changes made throughout the materials are the references to the tax year (2016/17), the new tax rates and allowances and the re-working of all associated example calculations and questions.
However, due to some changes in taxation and other laws, there are certain changes which create new impacts on a number of areas important to the provision of advice.
The main changes to the sections for the R02 Investment principles and risk online course are focused on tax changes and are listed below and are included in our accredited CPD system. All changes have also been reflected in the chapter assessments and the gap analysis assessments.
Although throughout the online courses there are many other minor amendments, as a part of your ongoing CPD it is recommended that you fully familiarise yourself with these major changes to ensure that your knowledge and understanding is fully up-to-date. By using the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system you will have access not only to all these updated courses but also all the learning materials for all of these diploma courses. These can be used at any time to refresh your knowledge of specific areas, and by carrying out gap analysis assessments over the year from each of the subjects as a part of your overall CPD plan, you can use the assessment results to identify areas of weakness against the learning outcomes and plan future CPD activities.
R02 Investment principles and risk: Online Multimedia Course
Chapter |
Section |
1 |
Cash – Risk factors
Cash – Types of Account
Cash - NS&I product |
2 |
Investment Ratios
Residential Property Investment
Commercial Property |
7.1 |
Unit trusts (part 3and 4)
Investment trusts (part 5) |
7.1 |
Life assurance investment bonds (part 2)
Life assurance investment bonds (part 3)
Property based investments
EISs, VCTs and SEISs
ISAs – eligibility and structure, investment rules, ISA providers, ISA transfers |
The top 5 areas covered by the major changes to consider first are:
- How interest is paid
- How dividends are paid
- Stamp duty land tax for second homes
- Rent-a-room relief
- The tax implications of investing in cash, fixed interest securities and shares.
Free trial - Try the CPD system before you purchase
We recommend that you try the Wizard Learning accredited CPD system by requesting a free trial and you will have a week to try it to see how well it meets your requirements. If you have an existing record then login and click on the "My Account" link on the left hand menu. If you have not previously registered then register here, login and then click on the "My Account" link.
3. Merry Christmas
From all of us at Wizard Learning, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Click here or on the image to open our Christmas message.

Wizard Learning Ltd
Provider of accredited online training and CPD system for financial advisers and financial services professionals.
We are committed to helping you gain higher level qualifications and maintain this knowledge through effective continuous professional development.